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Chapter Recess Months
Recess Months | Chapters |
July and August | Queen Winnipeg #1 |
Electa #2 | |
Patricia #8 | |
Friendship #67 | |
January and February | Queen Mary #3 |
Opasquai #24 | |
Opasquai Official Visit
September 21, 2024
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Wescana Inn, Rendevouz Room
Dinner to follow meeting
Location: Wescana Inn
Time: 5:30pm (dinner at 6:00pm)
Contact: Joanne Wain to reserve a dinner ticket
Cost: $35 plus taxes
Wescana Inn
if you wish to stay at the Wescana
Phone: 1-800-665-9468
Remember to tell them that you are with the Eastern Star
Rate: $114 plus taxes
Wescana Inn