Front Row: Milton Goble, Pat Shuttleworth, Ernie Cameron, Joyce McTaggart. Tim McIsaac, Tiaga, Rosanne Hall. Middle Row: Jean Hutchison, Lynn-Joy Batenchuk, Carla Craig, Leila Goods, Sandra Ebata, Doreen Stapleton, Shannon Leachman, Maryet Mann, Heather Grove. Back Row: Andy McLennan, Liz Csversko, Lisa Bardal, Barbara Borowski, Valerie Morgan, Hamish Barrit.

Joyce McTaggart Worthy Grand Matron |

Ernie Cameron Worthy Grand Patron |
Grand Officers
Title | Name |
Worthy Grand Matron | Joyce McTaggart (3) |
Worthy Grand Patron | Ernie Cameron (3) |
Associate Grand Matron | Patricia Shuttleworth (2) |
Associate Grand Patron | Tim McIsaac (67) |
Grand Secretary | Sandra Ebata (67) |
Grand Treasurer | Valerie Morgan (8) |
Grand Conductress | Rosanne Hall (1) |
Associate Grand Conductress | Carla Craig (24) |
Grand Chaplain | Milt Goble PGP (24) |
Grand Marshal | Shannon Leachman (15) |
Grand Organist | Doreen Stapleton (3) |
Grand Adah | Barbara Borowski (3) |
Grand Ruth | Elizabeth Csversko (15) |
Grand Esther | Lisa Bardal (8) |
Grand Martha | Leila Goods (67) |
Grand Electa | Lynn-Joy Batenchuk (8) |
Grand Warder | Hamish Barrit (1) |
Grand Sentinel | Andy McLennan (67) |
Grand Trustee, Chair 1 year | Jean Hutchison PGM (1) |
Grand Trustee 2 years | Heather Grove (1) |
Grand Trustee 3 years | Maryet Mann (8) |
Dedication: We Lovingly dedicate this year: to the members of Queen Mary Chapter #3, to all members of the Grand Jurisdiction who have made this year possible, to the WGM’s father – a Mason for over 70 years, to the WGP’s grandmother – a dedicated member and role model and to the WGP’s wife Wendy to whom he is eternally grateful.
WGM: Matthew: 5-16 “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good work and glorify your Father which is in Heaven”.
WGP: Psalm 133: 1 “Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! Ephesians: 4:2 With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love”.
Aim: To be happy ourselves and to communicate that happiness to others.
Motto: To do a good deed every day.
WGM: Faith, Hope, Love. The greatest of these being Love.
WGP: Tolerance, Respect and Familial Love.
Honoured Station: Chaplain. Devotion to the belief in a Supreme Being is core to us as an organization.
WGM: All colours of the Aurora Borealis with Sliver
WGP: The colours of nature – green
WGM: Gerberas and all daisies. Their bright colours and happy faces bring joy to all who receive them.
WGP: Blue and white Iris, Lily of the Valley
WGM: His Eye Is On the Sparrow, Hallelujah, Song of Peace and music from the 1940s
WGP: What a Wonderful World, Music by ABBA, the Carpenters and Queen.
Both: Happy music to life the soul.
Hymns: All Things Bright and Beautiful, Morning Has Broken, Jesus Bids Us Shine
Fun Emblems:
WGM: Butterflies, songbirds, dreamcatchers, music notes
WGP: Music symbols, songbirds, gliders
BOTH: Coffee cup and wafting music notes
- Manitoba Eastern Star Chalet – supported by a fund raising event on 02 November 2024
- ESTARL (Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership) – supported by the offering from the 2025 Grand Session Church Service
- Grand Chapter of Manitoba – supported by a basket raffle at Grand Session
- Service Dogs – supported by a Bud, Spud fund raiser on 20 July 2024
- Stars Ambulance – supported by a cash raffle
- Website Maintenance – supported by Cinderella’s Closet at Grand Session
Non-Monetary Project – Chapters are requested to continue to support the needs of their communities and to create craft items to donate to the Volunteer Services Gift Shop at CancerCare Manitoba.