Click on the down arrow on the left for tools, tips, rules, and more for OES members.
- Provide interest in the Chapter to keep existing members coming back and to bring back members who may have stopped coming.
- To provide some ideas that may help to locate potential new members from within the Masonic family.
- Assist in finding methods to make the order known to the general public in the hopes that some may find it appealing and would be eager to find out how to go about being a part of the Masonic family.
- All suggestions should be forwarded to the Communication Committee Chairperson either by email, phone, or regular mail. The committee will review the suggestions for content and the ability of the suggestion to be implemented and then post the appropriate suggestions on this web page.
Fundraising and Events
- If a Chapter meets at the same time as another Masonic body they could approach that group about having a combined refreshment hour after the meeting in order to introduce themselves to one another.
- Have a combined “Social” with all groups (18+) and any funds raised would be
shared by any organization providing workers and prizes. - To provide exposure to the public a Chapter could sponsor a local children’s sports team at a community center with either financial support or team t-shirts.
- Provide financial aid to a local school lunch program and provide a poster to
let parents and teachers know the Chapter that is assisting. - Invite a Mason and his wife to a luncheon or function free of charge to introduce
them to the Order. - Have the Jobs Daughters and/or Demolay help at a fundraising event and
provide them with an Honorarium for their services. - Provide a generic OES placemat with information about the group on one side
and a coloring page on the back for distribution to small restaurants. - Place ads in local newspapers to announce Chapter events which could be
attended by the public. - Hold a phone survey of members who do not attend regularly and find out what
you can do to make it more attractive for the members to come out to meetings. - Get new members involved in committees such as your Lunch Committee, Phone Committee, or Fundraising Committee. This gets them active in the Chapter and
lets them feel involved while they learn the ropes and get to know all the members. - Have a person in the Chapter volunteer to be a “Ride Coordinator ”. A member
wishing to go to a meeting but needing transportation would contact this person. Someone reasonably close could be asked if they would be able to supply the ride. Perhaps the gas cost could be shared. - Do not forget to wear your Eastern Star clothing as often as possible. It often prompts people to ask what the Order is all about and gives you an opportunity to share your love of the Order.
Emblem and Logo Usage
There are specific requirements for the use of the OES Manitoba logo. Particulars can be found at in the Logo Style Guide. OES members are free to use the logo without any cost.

The OES Emblem for