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OES News and Events Calendar

Grand Chapter of the Philippines

Click on the link above to view the institution of the Grand Chapter of the Philippines

Chapter Recess Months
Recess MonthsChapter
July and AugustQueen Winnipeg #1 (Winnipeg)
Electa #2 (Portage la Prairie)
Patricia #8 (Winnipeg )
Friendship #67 (Winnipeg)
January and FebruaryQueen Mary #3 (Brandon)
Ruth #15 (Minnedosa)
Opasquai #24 (The Pas)

Upcoming OES Events

Friendship #67 Pasta and a Pint Fundraiser

November 5, 2023

Location: Masonic Memorial Centre 420 Corydon Avenue

Cocktails: 5:00pm

Supper: 5:30pm

Cost: $25.00

Menu: Spaghetti, Choice of red or white sauce, salad, rolls & butter, beer wine or shot, dessert, coffee & tea

Door Prizes, 50/50 Draw, Silent Auction

For tickets contact Leila or Cathy


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